Category:Home & Garden Country:Poland Featured companiesUnicell Poland
Unicell Poland is the company based on the Polish and the Dutch capital, located in Poland (Wasilków City), next to Białystok. The company’s branch is located in Winschoten (the Netherlands). The shareholders of Unicell Poland are: the Dutch company Unicell B.V. as well as private Polish, Dutch and English investors.
The company’s most developed areas of activity are the following:
· Manufacturing and sales of the Primacol, Primacol Proffesional, AMI, Profi, Maxi branded[...]
ATRIUM is a Polish company established in 1993 as a result of combining two fields: architecture and technology. All our products have been designed, created and adapted by architects and engineers aiming at subtle and timeless appearance, adequate to modern times.
A group of experienced technicians basing on their own experiences and tests came up with unconventional technical solutions, which include: modular construction of our stairs, their versatile flexibility and possibility of adaptation[...]
Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo-Usługowe SZKŁOBUD
The "SZKŁOBUD" company exists since 1 November 1995 as glass and mirror wholesale and retail distributor. After purchase of specjalistic machines started activity in range of thier processing. Production takes place in newly built halls about area 1500 m2. We possess numerous points of service of customer. All the time menagement of company aspires to improve quality testified of services modernizing existing machine - park.
In own offer we possess all accessible on market kinds of[...]
Koszykarka Sp.J
The tradition of making basketry in the region of Rudnik town situated by the San river has lasted over one hundred years. For all these years it has been the major source of income for the people living there. The inhabitants of Rudnik were the forerunners of the wiker handcraft. They were sent to Vienna in 1870 by the count Ferdynand Hompsch to learn the craft. Later on the school of making basketry was established and since then the craft of making basketry has been flourishing.
The “Koszykarka”[...]
SOBOWIDZ Odlewnia Staliwa, Żeliwa i Metali Nieżelaznych
SOBOWIDZ.Founded in 1983.
AlSi10Mg,AlSi60Cu4,AlSi132;alloys according to
SAE e.g.A380 or ASTM or BS e.g.LM6,LM20,LM25,LM21,LM4,LM16,LM10) are made on cold-chamber high pressure die casting machines (weight 0,05-2,5 kg),
on low pressure die casting machines,in gravity dies / chills (up to 50 kg open manually or by gravity die machines) or in sand (up to 100 kg;up to 250 cm long;
on special request up to 1000 kg).
STEEL - stainless[...]
We are a trading company with wholesale outlets in Leszno, Bydgoszcz, Szczecin and Wrocław.
Our Company has been present in wholesale trading of metal products for over 15 years. We protect our name, logo and trade mark.
All our wholesale outlets sell products to companies. Natural persons are welcome to our retail shop in Leszno.
In Leszno we also have a tool sharpening shop where we sharpen: saws, milling cutters, planes and we renovate band-saws.
We represent a few dozen of domestic and[...]
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Ogrodniczych Sp. z o.o.
The Municipal Horticultural Works Enterprise the oldest horticultural company on the Warsaw market with 80 years tradition, deals in three main spheres:
1. Complimentary gardening service: processing the grounds for the investments, green terrain development after the building process, setting up the urban green along the communication routes and in the residential and public buildings vicinity, greenery maintenance in parks, green areas, squares, along the streets, parks and the urban green revaluation,[...]
Pujan - szklarstwo witraże
The company "Pujan", set up in Elbląg in 1992, was a pioneer in the Polish market in the field of manufacturing stained glass windows using self-adhesive lead strips, coloured self-adhesive films and bevelled glass elements.
In 1994, the owner of the company, Mr. Jan Puchalski started co-operation with a world leader in the field of self-adhesive lead strips - the English company Decra Led North Western Lead Co. Ltd. At that time he did not assume that this innovative method of making[...]